We Empower! You Overcome!

Are you in search of a speaker?

Choose one who:

     – lived your audience’s experiences &

     – emerged victor

 They will leave:






I am offering to come into your organization to empower your people so that they will overcome, or help others to do so, per my company’s motto: We Empower! You Overcome! Sometimes I wish my platform offered more fun and festivities, but I cannot dodge my passion. Domestic violence is another pandemic that plagues our world, but unlike CoronaVirus, it is vastly being swept under the carpet. We keep it taboo!

Meanwhile, men, women and children are still being abused and are dying at the hands of their perpetrators. More than ever before, we need to join forces to educate not only victims of domestic violence and abuse, but also friends and families, students, and our human resources, on survival strategies to implement while in toxic relationships – let them know how to safely leave, how to break the silence of abuse, how to help loved ones who are victims of domestic violence, and many more.

Watching the news or hearing someone report on another victim who has either been injured or has succumbed to Domestic Violence, for the most part, I am unable to hold back tears. However, I’ve learned that tears will not assist a victim with taking the steps needed to rise above their circumstances. I empower so I can be instrumental in preventing their tears. What is your role in curbing this pandemic? Don’t wait until it hits home!

My sessions consist of a two-hour presentation. At this event I share one aspect of my testimony, empower the audience, and open the floor for questions and answers. Regardless of the fact that there is a cost for this event, I do not allow the lack of finance to prevent me from ministering to others. In light of your financial circumstances, I am willing to negotiate.


  • 4 Rules for Success
  • “I Did It . . .” and its Relevance to the Student’s Overall Success
  • Dare to Live the Life of Your Dreams
  • How To Pursue Your Educational Goals While Working
  • How To Stay Motivated So You Can Finish School


  • Hard Knocked Lesons from the Thrice Married
  • Rocky Marriage? Rebuild a Solid Foundation
  • How to Love yourself
  • How to Recognize Abusive Relationships
  • How to Steer Clear of Abusive Relationships
  • How to Safely Leave Toxic Relationships
  • How and Where to Find Help

Recorded Appearances

Fiona Harewood as Guest on
Podcast Series by Shelley Jarrett

How do you Escape Abuse?  Podcast

Stabroek News, Guyana. Jan. 12, 2020

Arrow Internet Radio Interview 1/2020

Part 1

Part 2

Breakthrough Success Podcast

News 9

Urban  Connections Podcast

Breakthrough Success Podcast

National Communications Network (NCN)
Guyana, S.A.

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