I am an author, certified life coach and speaker, empowering victims of abuse, people who are struggling with their faith, and students who are demotivated, to overcome, so they can rise above their circumstances, and live the life God intended.
Self-Love: The Key to Successful Relationships
Breaking The Silence of Abuse & Survival Strategies For Your Relationships
The Pandemic Within A Pandemic
The Right Fit for Your Needs
Whether you are in need of One-on-One Coaching or Workshops, I strive to make an impact for diverse groups and individuals. I’ve coached on a variety of topics in many different settings.
No form of abuse must be tolerated.
We empower you to identify abuse; walk away, find help and be an overcomer!
Is school challenging? Are you a dropout? We will empower you, so you can rise above your fears, persevere and be an overcomer!
This book will build your faith!