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    You Decide!
    Take the assessment and know whether you are abused. If you answer yes to any of these questions you are being abused and must seek help.
    1. Does your partner call you names, insult you and/or degrade you?2. Does your partner prevent you from doing what you want to do?3. Does your partner prevent you from doing what you want to do?4. Does your partner act jealous or possessive or constantly accuse you of being unfaithful?5. Does your partner get angry when drinking alcohol or using drug?6. Does your partner threaten you with violence or a weapon?7. Does your partner hit, kick, shove, slap, choke or otherwise hurt you, your children or your pets?8. Does your partner force you to have sex, or engage in sexual acts against your will?9. Does your partner blame you for his or her violent behavior or tell you that you deserve it?
    If you have checked any of the boxes get help!
    Do you want to:
    •Identify and deal with abuse and know when to move on
    •Live a life free of regrets
    •Toss your pasts
    •Find healing?
    Complete and send me this form.

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