Domestic violence is another pandemic that plagues our world, but unlike CoronaVirus, which is exposed with frantic efforts being made to find vaccines, domestic violence is vastly being swept under the carpet. We keep it taboo! Meanwhile, men, women and children are still being abused and are dying at the hands of their perpetrators.
More than ever before, we need to join forces to educate not only victims of domestic violence and abuse, but also friends and families, on survival strategies they and their loved ones can implement while in toxic relationships – how to safely leave, how to break the silence of abuse, survival strategies while locked in during COVID-19 and many more.
Since victims are normally afraid, ashamed, and are reactive in seeking help, this online course will help because people will be able to do it in the comfort of their homes, from a little as their phones and in privacy. Instead of being judged, they will be motivated to help themselves.

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