Dear Reader:
As mentioned in the pull quotes in River Never Smooth, here are links to further reading material you will find helpful. Below are additional resources.
Thank you for reading! Stay Safe!
Dunham, Dave. “Counselling After Adultery.” Sept. 19, 2019.
Lim, Sunny. “Is Cheating Abusive: What Cheating Looks Like When It Is Used For Control.”Oct.13, 2019
Meyer, Cathy. “The Need For Control And It’s Relationship To Abuse:”Sept. 10, 2019.
Tracy, Natasha. “What is Physical Abuse.” Sept. 13, 2019.
Petherbridge, Laura. “12 Traits of an Abuser.” CBN. Sept. 16, 2019.
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services. “Help a Loved One or Friend,” Sept, 10, 2019.
Bible Gateway. “Exodus 20:12.” Sept. 10, 2019.
National Domestic Violence Hotline. “Is Change Possible in an Abuser.”Sept. 10, 2019.
DV & Economic Justice. “About Financial Abuse.” Sept. 19, 2019.
“Forgiveness.” Sept. 21, 2019.
NSPCC. “Every Childhood is Worth Fighting For.” Sept. 27, 2019.
Help Guide. “Dating Tips for Finding the Right Person.” Sept. 27, 2019. “Women’s experiences of Domestic Violence and Abuse.”Oct. 13, 2019.
“How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship.” Help Guide. Sept. 16, 2019,
“11 Facts About Teen Dating Violence.” Oct. 24, 2019.
National Statistics. “11 Reasons Why People in Abusive Relationships Can’t “Just Leave.”” Oct. 26, 2019.
Statistics. Oct. 13, 2019.
unhealthy relationships
domestic violence™, is your resource for completing a domestic violence class or batterers intervention program (DV or BIP class) due to a court order or legal requirement.

rebuild your finances
After experiencing financial abuse you may need to rebuild your finances and regain financial independence. Here is Help!